
6 Things to know about AV for better collaboration

Working closely with efficient AV integration partners and building offices with integrated standardized workplace technology solutions is the idea for businesses operating across multiple locations. This can result in a more robust collaboration infrastructure that can be tailored to operate in a variety of scenarios – WFH, hybrid, or in-office.

Standardization is essential for achieving cost and other efficiencies in the construction of these rooms, as well as for simplifying planning and management. It improves the user experience by ensuring continuity and a consistent technology experience. Automation and control technologies can play an important role in facilitating a seamless user experience during the standardization process.

But, before we get into what the standardization process entails, which is quickly becoming a trend due to a growing global footprint, let us first understand the benefits of implementing AV technology and the chosen standardization

What are the advantages of standardization for large corporations?

For large organizations, standardization creates a master template that spans the planning, build/installation, and post-deployment stages. The following are the primary advantages of standardization for large organizations

AV collaboration
#1 Planning/Estimation

Planning ahead of time and evaluating the technology purchase estimation can save time and money if you don’t want productivity and user satisfaction to suffer. It is much easier to estimate or create budgets for new infrastructure because the hardware is identical. Furthermore, if a well-defined objective is included in the planning stage, followed by a strategic decision, a standardized AV system entails less repair and easier troubleshooting, reducing the burden on IT teams.

#2 Design

Standardization results in a complete, enterprise-grade, highly reliable technology solution that meets the organization’s design and speccing requirements at the desired quality levels. The specifications would include what is necessary to improve employee room utilization rates in detailed standards documents that explain strict guidelines to follow. Individual room designs and documents can be quickly and accurately prepared using room templates and reused for future deployments.

#3 Inventory management/optimization of equipment

There is an improved user experience with centralized AV equipment, which leads to equipment optimization. Furthermore, centralized purchasing streamlines accounting and inventory management. We recommend that businesses invest in backup hardware that can be replaced or swapped out if necessary. Furthermore, careful inventory planning will assist you in identifying isolated incompatible equipment and replacing it with compatible equipment. Cost-benefit analysis can be used to negotiate better deals for similar hardware combinations when purchasing your equipment.

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#4 Setup/Implementation

The time required to set up and integrate similar rooms can also be reduced thanks to standardized equipment, design, and (ideal) room sizes. Too many different models or systems can cause compatibility problems. With overall standardization and centralization, deployment times are reduced, and everyone can be quickly and easily trained to set up and operate the equipment, resulting in increased interoperability and flexibility.

#5 Maintenance is simple and inexpensive

Standardized infrastructure is easier to manage because it gives IT teams in multiple locations more centralized control over maintenance. Support tasks such as hardware repairs and software troubleshooting become easier and faster.

#6 Usability and performance of the room

It ensures a consistent user experience across rooms and locations and reduces the learning curve that occurs whenever new software or hardware is installed. It also creates new opportunities for collaboration. Furthermore, system flaws are easier to manage because there is a structured AV standardization plan to fall back on.

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