
3 Signs That It’s Time to Upgrade Your AV Technology

The field of audiovisual (AV) technology is constantly evolving. Although it keeps things interesting, all of the shiny new technology can make it difficult to know what is just a fad and what is worth your time. So, how did you find out? Is it time to upgrade your AV system? Is it time to replace your antivirus hardware, or will a software upgrade suffice? Here are three warning signs to look out for to help you decide.

#1 You are experiencing technical difficulties

Tech issues can range from irritating glitches to complete equipment failure and everything in between. If you’re having outages or simply can’t get your systems to turn on or work, it’s time to upgrade your AV equipment. Even if your issues are minor, such as occasional display flickering or poor sound quality, we recommend consulting an expert. While there may be a simple solution, ignoring small issues often leads to larger ones.

upgrade your av technology dubai
#2 Your information is out of date

An AV system refresh entails more than just updating the hardware and software; there is also a management component to consider. Consider digital signage and digital artwork as examples. When a company first installs it, they are usually excited and intend to make frequent updates. However, competing priorities get in the way and are ignored over time.

Not only is there no routine maintenance, but the content itself is stagnant. This can cause visitors to lose interest or even form a negative opinion of your company. So, if you have AV displays, check to see when the content was last updated. Is your digital signage advertising a two-month-old holiday? Are you still displaying artwork from a different season than the one you’re currently in? Make a plan to engage in lifecycle management so that you can keep up with regular updates and keep things interesting.

#3 You are not seeing any progress.
What if you’ve been using the same systems for a long time and nothing is exactly wrong – but nothing is exactly right, either? For example, suppose you’ve had a wayfinding kiosk for about a year and the system is functional. However, you have not seen the end-user results you expected. Visitors are still approaching the front desk for directions, ignoring the kiosk entirely.
If you find that user engagement is not where you expect it to be, or that your goals are not being met, contact Asher Technologies. An AV system refresh does not require that your equipment or software be broken or malfunctioning. Sometimes all you need is a new strategy and a new partner to help you achieve the results you’ve been hoping for all along.

If you are unsure whether it is time to update your AV equipment or upgrade your technology, we would be delighted to assist you! Are you wondering if it’s time to upgrade your AV system? Please contact us for a consultation.

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