
Audiovisual Education: Top 5 Market Trends

Education is one of audiovisual fastest-growing vertical, as school districts, colleges, and universities push the boundaries of what’s possible in terms of engaging educators and students.

Trends in Educational Audiovisual Technology

Here are a few of the trends we’ve noticed in the education market:

#1 Interactive flat panel displays:

Chalkboards had their day. It’s all about interactive flat panel displays these days. These tools provide teachers with more options for delivering instruction, increasing student involvement, and driving classroom engagement. Real-time collaboration e.g., dividing students into groups for research and problem solving and teacher-student interaction are examples of use cases e.g., sharing and co-creating documents and presentations.

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#2 Paging and intercom systems:

School communication has evolved beyond morning announcements. Faculty and staff today want to quickly share critical information in a variety of ways. They also require options for directing information to individual classrooms, groups of classrooms, or every location on campus. Sharing pre-recorded content, notifying faculty and students during severe weather, medical emergencies, fires, facility lockdowns, and more are all examples of use cases.

#3 Large venue projector systems:

Students enjoy getting out of the classroom to engage in different learning styles, just as employees crave different workspaces depending on what they’re doing. In response, school technology administrators are using large venue projection systems like the LU interactive projector to transform gymnasiums and auditoriums into immersive experiential spaces. Because they are cloud-based, these solutions are highly customizable and simple to update when new features are added. Interactive fitness classes, live content streaming, backdrops for plays and events, and other applications are possible.

#4 Digital scoreboards and video displays:

These next-generation scoreboards, which can be used for both indoor and outdoor events, enable schools to share more game-related content and generate excitement among players and fans. Some schools even pay for or generate revenue from the system by selling advertising space to local boosters. Sharing player stats and highlights, projecting key moments, instant replays, and other applications are possible. Furthermore, the displays can be used to live-stream graduation ceremonies or large meetings, events, and presentations

#5 Digital cameras:

Previously, many schools only used cameras for security purposes. They now want cameras with more functionality for a broader range of applications. The most recent digital pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) cameras can do more than just monitor a hallway or cafeteria. They can also provide richer experiences for people attending events from various locations. Use cases include school board meetings, where cameras can pan from one speaker to the next or follow one speaker to the next. As an added bonus, because PTZ cameras are controlled remotely, they do not disrupt the meeting experience for those present.

Audiovisual technology connects, collaborates for educators and students. We Asher Technologies can assist you if you are ready to improve your learning experience and prepare students for today’s collaborative workplace. We have extensive experience in clasroom solutions. Asher Technologies is an audiovisual company with decades of experience in this field. For more details visit us :

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